“You can’t know where you are going until you know where you have been.”
Reflecting on 2016 makes for the perfect platform for goal setting in 2017. When I reflect on my year as an Athlete, Coach, Husband and Dad there are so many things to be grateful for. It's pretty special to be able to think of some highlights in each of these key areas of my life and feel gratitude for the developments that I and others have made personally. If my excitement levels from 2016 are anything to go by, 2017 is shaping up to be even better!
Since my 70.3 World Champs win in September I've been really enjoying a laid back approach to triathlon training. It's given me more time to spend with the family, more time to devote to my coaching and to progress with my Level 2 accreditation. Most importantly it's fueled the fire to set new racing goals and enjoy my choices in 2017.
This years 'triathloning' has been filled with plenty of highlights and challenges. It didn't all go to plan and I didn't race as much as I may have liked, some small injuries and other commitments resulted in some changes to my schedule and I'm sure this may be the same in 2017 with another baby on the way. Having to pull out of Port 70.3 in May due to lingering sicknesses picked up by Ethan in his new child car environment made my health a real challenge at times. I was really lucky to put together an interrupted 10-12 weeks before the 70.3 Worlds (with big thanks to Dani for taking the reigns at home). With that said I wouldn't have changed the way that any of it turned out and I look forward to taking it all on again next year.
As a parent trying to spread my time across work, coaching and training is always a juggle but just a part of the choices I have made. Watching Ethan grow and develop into a toddler this year has been one of the most rewarding and humbling experiences in my life. We are very proud of our little Aussie and moving forward to baby #2 in February this year will continue to keep me firmly grounded and keep perspective on my priorities and enjoyment of triathlon. As always we will find a way to work our social life and triathlon together with our family goals and I am lucky to have have the best support network around me in our local community to lend a hand and help keep me on task as I continue to train and race.
The start of 2017 will kick off for us down in Jindaybyne with our Energy Link Training Camp. It's such a beautiful part of the country and being able to train, share knowledge and hangout with some great friends is always the best start to the year. On a personal note this will also help me kick my butt into gear to get some fitness up for early year racing - and running after 2 kids!!! Lets hope that with some good luck on the health and injury front next I will be able to compete as much as I plan to in 2017.
As for my personal triathlon goals the rest of my year is going to be filled with some amazing trips and races. In 2017, I'd like to string som consistent training together to be in good enough physical and mental shape to be able to race an Ironman at the end of the year and hopefully qualify for Kona. This may be a little dependent on family life, but I'll be doing everything I can to make this happen and as always, Dani will be supporting me all the way and helping me to train when I need to. Along the way you can expect to see me pop up in some short distance and 70.3 races and a few run races in the new year. I may even manage to squeeze in a race when I head back to the Europe for three weeks in June to visit family???
So to cap off an awesome 2016 I need to say a huge thanks to my support network, without them I wouldn't be able to keep pushing the boundaries and enjoying the sport. Energy Link Coaching, Balmoral Triathlon Club, Giant Sydney, Titan Performance Group, Square One Physiotherapy, Tokyowheel, Pace Athletic, Lululemon Mosman, SiS Australia and Dani and Ethan.
It's such a pleasure to make connections with passionate supporters of triathlon and I look forward to more success in 2017.
Happy New Year.